
Download free sarah good the crucible
Download free sarah good the crucible

download free sarah good the crucible

Why was Sarah Good accused of witchcraft? Abigail plays the victim and accuses more women of witchcraft. Tituba names Goody Good and Goody Osburn as fellow witches after their names are suggested.

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Tituba is accused of calling the Devil in the woods based on Abigail’s testimony, and she confesses under pressure from Hale. Who confesses to witchcraft in The Crucible Act 1? Like the slave Tituba, she’s an easy target because she is on one of the bottom rungs of society. Sarah is a mentally unstable homeless lady whom Abigail accuses of witchcraft. In addition, puritans believed that lying was a sin as well. Puritans believed that such a confession, even if it wasn’t true, could damn a person’s soul to hell. The biggest concern with confessing to being a witch was that it was a sin. Rebecca Nurse is being charged with murder.Why did people confess to witchcraft in The Crucible?

download free sarah good the crucible

What is Miller’s purpose in this scene? (Rising action-things are getting worse.What does Proctor confess? Do you think this will make a difference? Why or why not?.(He forgets the one that is always on his mind because he committed it.) Explain the irony of Proctor’s forgotten commandment.What does Hale ask Proctor to do and why?.What is the significance of the golden candlesticks?.Explain the disagreement between the Proctors and Hale on p.What news does Hale reveal that shocks the Proctors? Why is this so shocking?.How do the Proctors greet Hale? What does this show of their public character versus private?.What themes arise in both the McCarthyism of the 1950s and the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s?.“At the height of McCarthyism, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for supposedly handing over American nuclear secrets to the Soviets.” In this sentence, the word “supposedly” serves what purpose?.According to the third paragraph, what is McCarthyism?.What does Elizabeth suspect is Abigail’s motive?.What is Elizabeth suggesting John do on p.What shocking news does Mary Warren give John and Elizabeth at the end of last night’s reading, and what does she mean by it?.Does John Proctor believe Mary Warren when she says Sarah Good is a witch?.Mary Warren brings a lot of news to John and Elizabeth Proctor.What does Mary Warren give to Elizabeth? Explain.

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